The atmosphere in the Regional Ethnographic Museum – Plovdiv takes visitors to the time of the Bulgarian National Revival. The rich narrative introduces the visitors to the daily life, culture and traditions of the population of the Plovdiv region of more than two centuries ago. The permanent exhibition is located around the two large hayets (halls) in the 14 symmetrically placed rooms on the two floors of the museum.
The main livelihoods of the local population in the pre-industrial society are presented in the exhibition halls Agriculture and Animal Husbandry with an authentic Rhodope dairy. In the other halls, there are exhibits related to the most developed crafts in the region – aba and gaytan making (homespun and braid tailoring), pottery, coppersmithing, blacksmithing and goldsmithing, which led to the rise of the financial state and self-consciousness of the Bulgarians during the National Revival period.
On the second floor, the folk costumes typical for the region are shining like a colour palette, revealing the dexterity of the Bulgarian woman and the love she places into making every piece of fabric for her family and home. Except for the traditional clothing, fashionable urban outfits in the ala-franga style are also presented. In separate halls, recreated interiors of a typical room from Koprivshtica, the cosiness of a Rhodope house, and the lavishly furnished guest room of a rich Plovdiv family from the end of the 19th century, where local tradition interacts with influences from East and West in the furnishing of the home.
The hall with musical instruments reveals the advanced musical culture of the Bulgarian people, for whom song and instrument are constant companions in sadness and joy.