One of the most important functions of the Enographic Museum is to preserve in time the memory of our ancestors’ lives and thoughts. REM – Plovdiv offers educational programs and activities for children and adults. Here you can see old objects, clothes, tools and ornaments, learn old crafts, learn about the daily life and holidays of our ancestors, have fun and immerse in the atmosphere of past epochs. Thematic lectures in the museum can be prepared on request in support of the learning process. Our mission is to keep the power of tradition alive.

The proposed topics for the different age groups are exemplary, upon prior request, other specific activities with an ethnographic focus can be included.

Interactive activities related to different Bulgarian holidays:
– Christmas and Christmas carols. Talk about the holiday and the traditions on Christmas Eve.
– Surva. Decorating Survaknitsas.
– Easter. Colouring eggs
– Baba Marta. Making martenitsa.
– The kukeri. Making Kukeri Masks.
Possibility of thematic lectures in English and Bulgarian.
We offer educational programs based on idea of the teacher.
Classes are only available upon prior request.